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Home Improvements to Increase Your Observatory Park Property Value

March 22, 2017

Spring and summer is one of the best times to put your home up for sale! The market is blossoming and you are at an advantage. Additionally, great curb appeal and gorgeous interior for your Observatory Park home will attract potential homebuyers to you even more. Whether you want to clean up the yard, or need to make some revisions to your home, there are a variety of things you can do to that can increase the value when you are ready to sell!
  1. Find Energy Savings: When you can save potential homeowner money—that automatically puts you on their radar. One of the simplest things you can do is to update all of your light bulbs to LED. Energy Star explains these bulbs can save 70 to 90 percent and last up to 25 years, so future homeowners may never need to even change a bulb for years. Another great idea is to upgrade your windows that keep UV rays from coming in, or air from able to leak in. This will keep air conditioning or heat from over running in the summer and winter months. Last, invest in a programmable thermostat. This is a great way to be able to control your temperature settings and avoid your heating or cooling from running throughout the day when you aren’t home wasting money. Learn more about how to assess your home with energy star.
  2. Yard Solutions: When updating your lawn prior to getting your house on the market, there is no need to completely renovate for ideal curb appeal. First, one of the simplest things you can do is mow your lawn, edge and keep it simple. Next, if you have older mulch or unkempt shrubs, invest in new mulch, remove all the weeds and replace the flowers if the existing ones are wilting or in bad shape. For shrubs, make sure they are trimmed and not overgrown. Keep in mind with your home; while the landscaping can draw potential homeowners in, you don’t want the landscaping to overtake the home itself. Last, if you have a driveway that is cracked or falling apart, you may want to look into costs to upgrade it.
  3. Interior Changes: Sometimes the smallest of changes can make the most impact for a potential homebuyer. First, update all of your door and drawer knobs to be consistent. Next, if you have an unfinished basement, updating that space will add more value to your home. Also, many homebuyers find success in adding granite counters and updated appliances in kitchens and bathrooms—up to $20,000 for resale in some cases. Find more ideas on which home improvements pay off, check out HGTV’s article.

If you are ready to put your home up for sale, or would like more advice on how to increase the value of our Observatory Park home, Elevation Realty can help. If you’re interested in finding the value of your home on the home valuation part of our website and contact us at 303-579-3566 to get started!